The Rainier Hunting Retriever Club (RHRC) was founded in 1984 by Julie Kirk and several other folks interested in both field and bench dog activities.
Its first organized event was held at Pepper’s Retriever Grounds in Carnation, WA on September 9, 1984. It was held in conjunction with the Puget Sound Labrador Retriever Club’s Working Certificate (WC) and Working Certificate Excellent (WCX) event.
The club’s first ever Field event consisted of 3 NAHRA (North American Hunting Retriever Association) test exercises: a water single, a tracking test and a quartering exercise. The first licensed AKC event was held at Cherry Valley, Duvall, WA in 1987.
Today, RHRC holds several retriever events throughout the year. Most are held on the Snoqualmie Valley Retriever Grounds (formerly Pepper’s Retriever Grounds).

The Rainier Hunting Retriever Club strives to:
- Encourage and promote quality in all Gundog Breeds and to do all possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection.
- Do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of the breeds by encouraging sportsmanlike competition at Hunting Retriever Tests.
- Conduct licensed Hunting Retriever tests under the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club, the North American Hunting Retriever Association, or any other Associations or Clubs that may sponsor these tests.