The Rainier Hunting Retriever Club (RHRC) welcomes volunteers. Volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization. Without your help, we could not hold our events. As a volunteer you will meet others with similar interests who enjoy working as a part of a team.
RHRC holds two AKC Licensed Hunting Retriever tests annually, one in May and the other in August. The AKC judges are nominally compensated for their work as are the young field workers. The rest of the operation is entirely staffed by volunteers.
The Mark Wickham Memorial 10 Series is held during the summer. Again, this event is entirely staffed by volunteers who not only participate with their dogs but also run all the equipment from set up to take down.
Our club also holds “Training Days” throughout the year that are entirely run by club volunteers. This includes equipment set up and operation as well as take down at the end of the day. Training Days are a good way to become familiar with the equipment as well as train your dog.
During the summer of 2023, representatives from the Rainier Hunting Retriever Club, the Puget Sound Labrador Retriever Club and the Evergreen Golden Retriever Club worked together to create written job descriptions for the essential volunteer positions at all AKC licensed hunt tests. These job descriptions are posted for anyone that wishes to volunteer.
Hunt Test Chair is responsible for supervising the entire event and the people helping with the mechanics of the event. In addition to preparing the event budget, the chair confirms judge assignments, works closely with the Test Secretary and delegates duties to key committees and secures field workers. The Chair should be familiar with the Regulations & Guidelines for AKC Hunting Test for Retrievers, and the Guide for Event Committees in Dealing with Misconduct. Learn more about the Hunt Test Chair job details.
Hunt Test Secretary follows AKC guidelines for holding a licensed AKC Hunting Test for Retrievers. The Secretary utilizes the Entry Express system to advertise the event. This includes developing the event premium and posting needed information on the Entry Express website. The Secretary communicates with the judges, verifies their eligibility to judge, secures accommodations and prepares the Judges’ Books. In addition to maintaining an inventory of awards, the secretary is responsible for precise record keeping, especially in regard to qualifying dogs, scratches and reporting to AKC, Retriever News, and the MNRC. Learn more about the Hunt Test Secretary job details.
Stake Chair is responsible for helping both with set up and break down of all tests, keeping each test running smoothly with equipment that works. They periodically check on field workers to make sure they are supplied with food, drinks, appropriate clothing and protection from the weather. The Stake Chair is a member of the Hunt Test Committee. This is a physically demanding job. Learn more about the Stake Chair job details.
“Pop and Throw Gun Stations” are common at our events. Here are some instructions for safe operation of the equipment that you will find useful. A photo of our mechanical “wingers” is below.

Gun Captain appoints/selects official Gunners for the Hunt test, coordinates gunner rotations, arranges for appropriate ammunition, advises the judges of appropriate gunfire direction, and ensures overall safety of live gunfire. The Gun Captain is usually a member of the Hunt Test Committee. Learn more about the Gun Captain job details.
Firearm safety is of highest importance for our volunteers, animals and visitors. Please read the information regarding Gun Safety here.
Head Marshal is responsible for securing marshals for each stake, recruits Test Dogs for each stake and is responsible for the radios (including keeping them charged). The Head Marshal should plan to be on the grounds during test set up, assist in preparing the Stake Marshal Boxes and other duties as needed. The Head Marshal is usually a member of the Hunt Test Committee. Learn more about the Head Marshal job details.
Stake Marshals (Junior/Senior/Master) oversee the smooth operation of a Hunt Test. They ensure judges and workers are supported, coordinate stake activities with the Stake Chair, and serve as the main contact for handlers with questions for the Judges. All test-related inquiries, including judging disputes, are directed to the Stake Marshal, who then communicates them to the judges. Learn more about the Stake Marshal job details.
Bird Steward is responsible for caring for the live birds during the weekend of the test, delivering birds to appropriate stakes and keeping each stake supplied with birds as needed. Learn more about the Bird Steward job details.